Wednesday, January 16, 2008

new yr resolutions

I want everything to remain the same except for my studies basketball and trading
studies, i must maintain my 3.5 or get better
I must train up to be like my Coach, esp shooting so i can look more frenly playing with anyone, i can play serious n have fun BUT when i play serious ppl feel im too tough, i may hurt them, so to be able to play with ANYONE, mus be gr8 shooter, GR8 SHOOTER
I MUST DO MY BEST to become a CONSISTENT trader by the end of the year

i know this journey is tiring, the Lord will give me strength, and personally, if i cannot do well, i might as well just go heaven sooner

either do ur best or not do at all,

1 comment:

nikorasu said...

i like ur ending statement - "either do ur best or not do at all." in whatever we do, we should give it our best. =)

and dont think about going heaven sooner, everything happens for a reason. :P It may be a stepping stone towards something bigger. as u said, the Lord will give u strength to conquer any possible setbacks!
