Saturday, November 03, 2007

Love the sinner, Hate the sin!

I have been reading alot recently on the issue of repealing of the Penal Code Section 377A. Thought of sharing with u my thoughts after thinking thru these few days.

"377A. Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years."

I must admit that my initial intention was to beef up my knowledge on this hot issue, so that I can DEFEAT anyone who dares to challenge my stand on the retaining of 377A.

Pride and Judgemental are the 2 big bricks I have on my wall.

As Christians, should we discriminate the homosexuals? or simply disagree with their act?

Who are we to say what is morally right and wrong?

We believe that God wants us to live our live accordingly to His Word, to keep away from sins in this world.

In the beginning, God has created Adam to be in charge of taking care of the Garden of Eden.
In the bible, Genesis 2:18, The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
God made Eve, as a helper and companion for Adam.

This is the brief account of the creation of Man, and this relationship and union of men and women is something which God has constituted.

(take note that God created 'Adam and Eve', not Adam and StEve!!!)

In the bible, GOD has outlined the godlessness and wickedness of men in Romans 1:18-32

Yes, now knowing that homosexuality is detestable in God's eyes, what's next?

Does God also condemns the homosexuals, like what some of us are doing?

NO! God didn't leave us although we kept sinning, in big and small ways. He yeans to bring us back into a loving relationship with Him, our author and Creator.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

This love and grace from God is not just restricted to us who are believers in Christ Jesus, but is also extended to those who are still far away from God. Its quite hard for me to comprehend such a love and grace that God has for his Creation.

Many times I would "stand-on-the-mountain" and pass judgement, deciding who should be saved by God and enter the Heavens.

Many times I ask God: "Huh? This guy also can meh?". But God recently answered me very clearly. He told me to think about how He accepted me to be a child of God, when I received Christ in 2005, even when there are so many flaws and brick walls I had built over the years of growing up.

I was humbled.

Indeed, when we acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God ( our Savior who died on the cross, bled and died and rose again, to wash away our sins with His blood ), God has assured us that He loves us and accepts us as who we are, as children of His who wants to live our lives right, according to His will and purpose for us. God wants us to reconcile back to Him. He wants us to lead a life that is confident and fruitful, turning away from sins.

He had sent His Son, Jesus Christ, for this purpose.

Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." - Matthew 9:12

For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." - Matthew 9:13b

God sees hope in everyone of us, believers and non-believers, even the homosexuals. We recognise that they are in the midst of our society. Let us not be self-righteous. Let us, as brothers and sisters in Christ, not discriminate them or despise them, but learn to see the hope and love that God has for them to overcome this hundle in their lives eventually. If we choose to stay away from them, how can God use us to share to them about His love for them? Amen?

Debate on retaining of Section 377A in parliament?

Video Link (right click and OPEN IN NEW):

You can click on the video link above and refer to a highlighted and edited version of short key remarks (below) of NMP Professor Thio Li-Ann’s speech in Parliament, on her stand on retaining 377A and outlining the dangers of appealing 377A. For a full version of the speech, u can refer to my blog @

NMP Professor Thio Li-Ann is currently a Nominated Member of Parliament (11th Session). She teaches in NUS Faculty of Law and has published widely in the fields of public international law, human rights law, constitutional and administrative law. She is a Christian.

‘Conservative’ here is not a dirty word connoting backwardness; environmental conservation protects our habitat; the moral ecology must be conserved to protect what is precious and sustains a dynamic, free and good society.

The real question today is not “if” we should repeal 377A now, or wait until people are ready to move. This assumes too much, as though we need an adjustment period before the inevitable. The real question is not “if” but “should” we ever repeal 377A. It is not inevitable; it is not desirable to repeal it in any event.

when we consider the moral issues related to 377A which require moral judgment of what is right and wrong - not to take a stand, is to take a stand!

Neither the majority or minority is always right – but there are fundamental values beyond fashion and politics which serve the common good. Religious views are part of our common morality.

The issues surrounding s377A are about morality, not modernity or being cosmopolitan.

Singapore is an independent state and we can decide the 377A issue ourselves; we have no need of foreign or neo-colonial moral imperialism in matters of fundamental morality.

while homosexuals are a numerical minority, there is no such thing as ‘sexual minorities’ at law. Activists have coined this term to draw a beguiling but fallacious association between homosexuals and legally recognized minorities like racial groups. Race is a fixed trait. It remains controversial whether homosexual orientation is genetic or environmental, perhaps both.

Homosexuality is a gender identity disorder.

While all human persons are of equal worth, not all human behaviour is equally worthy. We separate the actor from the act. In criminalizing acts, we consider the wrongfulness of the act, the harm caused and how it affects the good of society.

Public sexual morality must buttress strong families based on faithful union between man and wife, the best model for raising children.

While we cherish racial and religious diversity, sexual diversity is a different kettle of fish. Diversity is not license for perversity.

Law is a Moral teacher and makes a moral statement.

Repealing 377A will further batter the institution of ‘marriage’ which we must bolster!

Homosexuals as fellow citizens have the right to expect decent treatment from the rest of us; but they have no right to insist we surrender our fundamental moral beliefs so they can feel comfortable about their sexual behaviour. We should not be subject to the tyranny of the undemocratic minority who want to violate our consciences, trample on our cherished moral virtues and threaten our collective welfare by imposing homosexual dogma on right-thinking people. Keep 377A.

But if we don’t stand for something, we will fall for anything.

It is important in life not only to have a Brain, but a Spine.

1 comment:

petrina said...

I agree with "we not only need to have a brain, we need to have a spine too "... this statement could be equivalent to we not only need to have a conscious, we also need to have our source of root and foundation = WORD of GOD.

The issue above apparently is about morals and ethics (what is right and wrong/ righteous and unrighteous). If you realised, many people are unable to take a stand or are flatuating with their stand because they do not have a spine to them, they do not have the TRUTH to guide them in making their decisions. It is important for christians expecially to know where their moral values and decisions ought to come from. they come from God and His word.

While many people make their ethics decisions based on their feelings/ influenced by external factors (other people's decisions) / their own perspective of 'right and wrong', you realised that these are the kind of moral decisions that flatuate and will never withstand time. For example in the case of homosexuality, without God's word, people will not have a clear standard that this is wrong and their stand would keep flatuating.

Ethics comes from God himself and He is the source of all things. God is love and He is perfect. His word is the only standard in the world which never flatuate and holds firm. The bible not only gives us specific commandments (such as the ten commandments) and also other laws and principles that guide us in making decisions in our lives. For example, it is mentioned specifically that homosexuality is wrong and is a sin in the eyes of God.

It is really important for us to continue to grow and build ourselves in our word of God, so that our life will be one that is guided by Him and not one that we are just merely making random decisions just because we like it or because it is the trend. But because we truly know what is the truth and how God wants us to lead our lives. A life that produces fruit and one with direction. Amen?
Amen!!! hahah...